Alexander's father was the king day a man brought a horse to him. Alexander looked at the horse. it was a fine horse young and tall and strong.
The king also liked the horse. who will ride this horse? he asked his soldiers.
"I will ," said a captain. He went near the horse. the horse was angry. it kicked out and the captain fell to the ground. "who will try now?" said the king.
another soldier tried. He failed, too. then a third soldier tried and failed.
It's a beautiful horse, said the king. but what's the use? it throws its rider off."
Father let me try ," said the young Alexander.
All right said his father. Ride the horse, and I'll buy it for you."
Alexander went near the horse. The horse moved ,and the horse's shadow moved in front of it . the animal was frightened of its own shadow.
Alexander smiled and turned the horse to the sun. now its shadow fell behind it.

Then Alexander jumped on to the back of the horse . it rose on it front legs but Alexander was not afraid. after some time the horse walked round the palace with the prince on its back.
The king bought the horse and gave it to his son. Alexander loved it very much.
Alexander grew up, and was king of Greece. The horse carried him to many battles in many lands.